"/> List of Audio files-related extensions and associated applications

OpenWith Enhanced

List of extensions in Audio files category

669 aa aac aax ac3 act adt adts afc aif aifc aiff alac amf amr amz aob ape apl au aud avr awb caf cda cdda cfa dct dsm dss dts dvf dwd emx evrc far fla flac gsm imp it itms itpc itz kar koz m1a m2a m4a m4b m4p m4r mid midi miz mka mp1 mp2 mp3 mpc mpga msv mt2 mtm mus nra nsa nst ofr ofs oga ogg okt oma pca pcast pcm pk ptm qcp ra ram raw rax rct rf64 rmi rmj rmm rmx s3m s3z sam sd2 sds ses sf shn smf smp snd spx stm stz tak tta ult voc vox vqf w64 wav wave wax weba wma wow wv wvc wve xi xm xmz xsb xspf xwb

Most popular applications, associated with those files

Windows Media Player by Microsoft Corporation
Winamp by Nullsoft, Inc.
K-MultimediaPlayer by http://www.kmplayer.com
VLC media player by VideoLAN Team
Media Player Classic - Home Cinema by Media Player Classic - Homecinema
The KMPlayer by PandoraTV
WavePad Sound Editor by NCH Software
MPC-HC by Media Player Classic - Homecinema
AIMP by AIMP DevTeam
PotPlayer by Daum Communications
jetAudio by COWON America, Inc.
VLC media player ACE Stream by the VideoLAN Team (ACE Stream)
Zoom Player by Inmatrix LTD
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