OpenWith Enhanced

Information about .log File Extension


Plain text files 

Common .log file type descriptions:

  • Text Document
  • Текстовый документ
  • Textdokument
  • Document texte
  • Documento de Texto

Applications, associated with .log files

Notepad iconNotepad by Microsoft Corporation
Notepad is a simple text editor for Microsoft Windows. It has been included in all versions of Microsoft Windows.
Notepad++ iconNotepad++ by Don HO [email protected]
Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages
Windows Wordpad Application iconWindows Wordpad Application by Microsoft Corporation
WordPad is a basic word processor that is included with almost all versions of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 upwards. It is more advanced than Notepad but simpler than Microsoft Works Word Processor and Microsoft Word.
Microsoft Office Word iconMicrosoft Office Word by Microsoft Corporation
EditPad Lite iconEditPad Lite by Just Great Software
AkelPad text editor iconAkelPad text editor
Notepad2 iconNotepad2
UltraEdit Professional Text/Hex Editor iconUltraEdit Professional Text/Hex Editor by IDM Computer Solutions, Inc.
PSPad editor iconPSPad editor by Jan Fiala
Internet Explorer iconInternet Explorer by Microsoft Corporation
Internet Explorer is a browser produced by the Microsoft Corporation and supplied together with the Windows operating system.
XML Editor iconXML Editor by Microsoft Corporation
EditPad Pro iconEditPad Pro by Just Great Software
PSPad editor iconPSPad editor by Prog-Soft s.r.o.
Win32Pad - my notepad replacement iconWin32Pad - my notepad replacement by Gennady Feldman
Sublime Text iconSublime Text
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