OpenWith Enhanced

Information about .ahk File Extension

Common .ahk file type descriptions:

  • AutoHotkey Script
  • AHK 文件
  • ConTEXT document
  • Файл "AHK"
  • ahk (Assox)

Applications, associated with .ahk files

AutoHotkey iconAutoHotkey
Notepad iconNotepad by Microsoft Corporation
Notepad is a simple text editor for Microsoft Windows. It has been included in all versions of Microsoft Windows.
AutoHotkey Unicode 64-bit iconAutoHotkey Unicode 64-bit
AutoHotkey Unicode 32-bit iconAutoHotkey Unicode 32-bit
AutoHotkey ANSI 32-bit iconAutoHotkey ANSI 32-bit
Notepad++ iconNotepad++ by Don HO [email protected]
Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages
PSPad editor iconPSPad editor by Prog-Soft s.r.o.
SciTE4AutoHotkey - a SciTE distribution for AutoHotkey iconSciTE4AutoHotkey - a SciTE distribution for AutoHotkey by fincs - Original SciTE by Neil Hodgson: [email protected]
IronAHK iconIronAHK
Notepad2-mod iconNotepad2-mod by Florian Balmer et al.