"/> List of Plain text files-related extensions and associated applications

OpenWith Enhanced

List of extensions in Plain text files category

application appref-ms asp aspx au3 bas bat bsh c ccd cdf cfg compositefont cpp css csv cue cxx diz err gpx h htm html idx inf ini ion iqy js JSE log m manifest nfo nsh nsi oqy php php1 properties ps1xml rdf resx rqy sh sql srt sub txt vbe vbs wri wsc wsf wsh wtx xbap zap

Most popular applications, associated with those files

Time Adjuster application
Weaverslave - free flexible webeditor by subjective reality
Windows Media Center by Microsoft Corporation
快播 by Shenzhen QVOD Technology Co.,Ltd
Total Recorder (VideoPro Edition) by High Criteria inc.
4NT by JP Software
TextMaker by SoftMaker Software GmbH
Microsoft Open XML Converter by Microsoft Corporation
MySQL Workbench by Oracle Corporation
Arduino IDE by Arduino LLC
DbVisualizer - The Universal Database Tool by DbVis Software AB
サクラエディタ by Project: Sakura-Editor
jane - just another nasty editor by TryAndError, Inc.
BitComet by www.BitComet.com
Paradox for Windows Desktop by Corel Corporation
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