"/> List of Image files-related extensions and associated applications

OpenWith Enhanced

List of extensions in Image files category

3fr 73i 83i 86i 89i 92i abr acr acv ado afx ahs ahu ai alias als alv amp ani api apng apx arw ase ast asv atf atn ava avatar avw bay bga blk blp bm bmp bms bpx bw cal cals cam cdr cgm ch cin cit clo cloe clp cmt cmx cpt cr2 crw cs1 ct cur cursor cut dc3 dcm dcr dcx dds dib dicom dis dng dpx ei eidi emf emz epi erf exr fff ffo fpx fx3 fxm fxo fxs g3n gbr gif giff gp4 grd grey gry hdp hdr hdri ia icl icn icns ico icon iff ilbm int inta ipl iris itg ivb J j2c j2k j6i jbf jbr jfif jif jng jp2 jpc jpe jpeg jpg jpk jpm jps jpx jxr k25 kdc koa kqp kro kys lbm ldf lff lsm mac mbm mef mif miff mng mos mpo mrw msk nef nrw oil orf osdx pat pbm pcc pcd pct pcx pdd pdn pdp pef pfi pfm pfr pgl pgm pic picio pict pict2 pix pixar pm pmp png pnm pns pnt pntg ppm ppma pr psb psd psp pspbrush pspframe pspimage pspmask psptube pspworkspace ptg pwp pxa pxb pxr pxs qti qtif qtl raf ras rast raw rawraw rdc rgb rgba rl4 rl8 rla rlb rle rpbm rpf rpgm rppm rs rsb rw2 rwl sff sfw sgi shc shh si sid sj1 skp sld spp sr sr2 srf srw sta sti sun suniff svg svgz syn synu taac targa tdi tdim tga thm tif tiff tim tm2 tpic tub txc urt uyvy vff vga vpb wap wbm wbmp wdp wfx wmf wmp wpg wrl x3f xar xbm xcf xif xpm xwd yuv

Most popular applications, associated with those files

Windows Live Photo Gallery by Microsoft Corporation
Picasa by Google Inc.
Notepad by Microsoft Corporation
Paint by Microsoft Corporation
GIMP by Spencer Kimball, Peter Mattis and the GIMP Development Team
ACDSee Ultimate 10 by ACD Systems International Inc.
HaoZip picture viewer by HaoZip Software Studio
 °®ÆæÒÕÍòÄܲ¥·ÅÆ÷ by °®ÆæÒÕ
Nero Photosnap Image Viewer by Nero AG
2345??-?????? by ????
XnViewMP by XnView, http://www.xnview.com
ACDSee 18 by ACD Systems International Inc.
PhotoPad Image Editor by NCH Software
nomacs - Image Lounge
PowerDVD by CyberLink Corp.
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