"/> List of Documents-related extensions and associated applications

OpenWith Enhanced

List of extensions in Documents category

book djv djvu doc docm docmhtml docx docxml dot dotm dotx dvi enx eps ept fdf gl2 hgl hp hpg hpgl hpgl2 mdi odp odt opd pdf pdfxml plt pot pothtml potm potx ppa ppam pps ppsm ppsx ppt ppthtml pptm pptx pptxml prn ps ps1 ps2 ps3 pwz rtf sdw sldm sldx tex thmx vst wpd wps wpt xdp xfdf xps

Most popular applications, associated with those files

WordPerfect X7 by Corel Corporation
OpenOffice.org Writer Portable by PortableApps.com
Nitro PDF Reader by Nitro PDF
AlReader 2.5 by NeverLand
ACDSee 17 by ACD Systems International Inc.
ACDSee 18 by ACD Systems International Inc.
ACDSee Pro 8 by ACD Systems International Inc.
OpenOffice 4.0.0 by Apache Software Foundation
CorelDRAW by Corel Corporation
PDF-XChange Editor by Tracker Software Products Ltd.
ACDSee Ultimate 8 by ACD Systems International Inc.
LibreOffice 3.4 by The Document Foundation
Opera Internet Browser by Opera Software
ACDSee Pro 7 by ACD Systems International Inc.
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