"/> List of Documents-related extensions and associated applications

OpenWith Enhanced

List of extensions in Documents category

book djv djvu doc docm docmhtml docx docxml dot dotm dotx dvi enx eps ept fdf gl2 hgl hp hpg hpgl hpgl2 mdi odp odt opd pdf pdfxml plt pot pothtml potm potx ppa ppam pps ppsm ppsx ppt ppthtml pptm pptx pptxml prn ps ps1 ps2 ps3 pwz rtf sdw sldm sldx tex thmx vst wpd wps wpt xdp xfdf xps

Most popular applications, associated with those files

Microsoft PhotoDraw by Microsoft Corporation
Picture It! by Microsoft Corporation
winPenPack X-LibreOffice Launcher by www.winpenpack.com
 Launch Windows App by Microsoft Corporation
HP Photo Viewer by Hewlett-Packard Corp.
WinEdt by WinEdt Team
ViewCompanion by Software Companions
DjVu Editor (external version by LizardTech, Inc.
SSuite Office WordGraph by Van Loo Software
CDisplayEx by CDisplayEx
Adobe Photoshop Elements by Adobe Systems®, Incorporated
PortableApps.com Launcher by PortableApps.com
TeXnicCenter by The TeXnicCenter Team
PDFCreator by pdfforge
Doxillion Document Converter by NCH Software
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