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Information about .xmcd File Extension

Common .xmcd file type descriptions:

  • Mathcad Document
  • Mathcad XML Document
  • Mathcad-документ
  • Файл "XMCD"

Applications, associated with .xmcd files

Mathcad Application iconMathcad Application by Parametric Technology Corporation.
Adobe Reader iconAdobe Reader by Adobe Systems®, Incorporated
Adobe Reader software is the free global standard for reliably viewing, printing, and commenting on PDF documents. It can open and interact with all types of PDF content, including forms and multimedia.
ACDSee iconACDSee by ACD Systems International Inc.
ACDSee makes it easy to get, view, organize, print, enhance and share your digital photos super fast. The original ACDSee product was discontinued by manufacturer and replaced by ACDSee Photo Manager.