OpenWith Enhanced

Information about .mbp File Extension

Common .mbp file type descriptions:

  • MAGIX Burn Project
  • MBP Datei
  • MBP File
  • MBP Fichier
  • Fichier MBP

Applications, associated with .mbp files

MAGIX Speed BurnR iconMAGIX Speed BurnR by MAGIX
CyberLink MediaShow Main Program iconCyberLink MediaShow Main Program by CyberLink Corp.
Adobe Reader iconAdobe Reader by Adobe Systems®, Incorporated
Adobe Reader software is the free global standard for reliably viewing, printing, and commenting on PDF documents. It can open and interact with all types of PDF content, including forms and multimedia.
Kindle iconKindle by
Kindle for PC is a free application that lets you read Kindle books on your Windows-based personal computer - with no Kindle required. Kindle for PC offers most of the features you would find on a Kindle, Kindle DX, or other Kindle applications for computers and mobile devices.